Strengthening Partnership between Government and Civil Society for effective Land Governance – a Learning week in Uganda

A Land for Life delegation of goverment and civil society representatives from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso and Ethiopia participated in a learning exchange in Uganda on government and civil society partnerships on land governance. Beside participating in interesting discussions and a field trip, Welthungerhilfe/Land for Life organized a

Snapshot Strategy & Planning Workshop: Community Investor Local Government Forums (CILGF) in Lume Woreda, Ethiopia

On the second day of the Strategy & Planning Workshop, participants visited an investment area near Bishoftu, where Land for Life Ethiopia has initiated dialogue processes between investors and the community.  In Lume Woreda, close to its capital Modjo, the climatic conditions are ideal for many products that are

Land for Life Newsletter (12/2022)

The Land for Life Newsletter 2022 has arrived!   Looking back, 2022 leaves us with positive energy, great ideas, and many plans for 2023. In the past year, we witnessed great changes. New strategies and action plans were developed and many promising activities were implemented. Make sure to read

How to engage the private sector and improve responsible agricultural investment? A learning journey and a case study

Land for Life participated in a Learning Cycle for private sector engagement and Responsible Agricultural Investment, resulting in new strategies, tools, networks, and a case study publication from Sierra Leone. How can we ensure active engagement with the private sector and improve compliance with the RAI principles in our

Training on MAP Principles

Are you new to the concept of multi-actor Partnerships (MAPs) in land governance? You are not alone. Last week we finished a training supported by CSA on MAPs . Participants from Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Sierra Leone learned what is important when you start a MAP, what is

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