During the participation in the Learning Cycle, we were able to zoom in on good practices already taking place in our countries. One example is the Agricultural Investment Approval Process (AIAP) in Sierra Leone. A case study report was developed to document the success factors and to open it for learning and further application. Co-developed by NRI and Land for Life, it can be found here.
Sierra Leone was and is critically affected by unregulated land acquisitions by international agricultural investors. Especially between 2010 and 2015, within the global land rush, large concessions were established on community-owned land without the free, prior, and informed consent of the people whose land was used, resulting in conflicts and threatened livelihoods of local communities. In response, a structured government-led Agribusiness Approval Process (AIAP) was sought to be developed and validated by an FAO-supported thematic working group, with the participation of different government, private sector, and civil society institutions, including Land for Life.
The process did not only improve dialogue between the actors of the working group but also stimulated RAI-engagement of the private sector and led to the design of a 7-step approval process for agricultural investments that ensures community participation from the onset of an investment process. The procedure still has to be incorporated into official national policy or law but already informs good practice in responsible investment and people-centered land governance for Sierra Leone and beyond.