Training on MAP Principles

Are you new to the concept of multi-actor Partnerships (MAPs) in land governance? You are not alone. Last week we finished a training supported by CSA on MAPs . Participants from Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Sierra Leone learned what is important when you start a MAP, what is

Barrage de Samendeni – The Dam of Samendeni

English version below Construit sur le fleuve Mouhoun dans le département de Bama, le barrage de Samendeni a une capacité de stockage de M3. Il est doté d’une centrale hydro électrique d’une production annuelle de 18 Gwh. D’un cout estimé à 61.687.917.293 francs CFA (94.000.000€), ce barrage devra

How to Successfully Decentralize your MAP

Have you ever thought about decentralizing your multi-actor platform (MAP) on land governance? Or are you already busy within the process of doing so? Yesterday, we had another cross-country call – not only between our Land for Life (LfL) MAP country-teams but also with experience sharing from partners in

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