How to engage the private sector and improve responsible agricultural investment? A learning journey and a case study

Land for Life participated in a Learning Cycle for private sector engagement and Responsible Agricultural Investment, resulting in new strategies, tools, networks, and a case study publication from Sierra Leone. How can we ensure active engagement with the private sector and improve compliance with the RAI principles in our

Sensitization Workshop: Pastoral Development Policy and Strategy

The pastoral development policy and strategy sensitization workshop was conducted on Saturday 14th May 2022 at Azzeman Hotel, Addis Ababa. The workshop brought together more than 70 participants (policymakers, academics, development practitioners, civil society organizations, representatives from eight Oromia regional pastoral zone heads, and communities and media houses) to


Land for Life Initiative Sierra Leone holds quarterly consortium meeting by Jacob Wilson and Berns K. Lebbie “Two roads diverged in a wood…and we chose the one less traveled by,” said Abu Brima, Executive Director of Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) and National Convener of the Land

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